Vintage Knicks & Knacks

Vintage Sante Fe Railroad Award Buckle-USA


  • Details
    These were very ornate brass buckles that were given out as trophies for their employees as recognition.
    The interesting thing about this buckle is the name on the back....R.D. Shaver. We did our research on Mr. Shaver and we had to share his amazing story....
    Dick was born July 31, 1927 at the family home on a farm near Muscotah, Kansas to Clarence and Mary Shaver. Mr. Shaver grew up during the depression on that Kansas farm along with his brothers.
    Mr. Shaver served in the U.S. Navy in the South Pacific during World War II along with his five brothers. He was a member of the Atchison Police Force in the late 1940's. Dick married Rose Ella Christian on December 31, 1947. Rose Ella was not only his best friend and advisor but the love of his life. Richard and his lovely wife moved to Emporia, Kansas in 1949. This where Richard went to work for the Santa Fe Railroad in the Police Department. He was promoted and transferred to Topeka in 1952, to Kansas City, Missouri in 1955 and to Fort Madison, Iowa in 1962. Dick later was promoted to the safety department and spent 15 years in Chicago as the Assistant Vice President of Safety-Systems (I actually found the text of a speech Mr. Shaver made in Chicago in the 1970's for AREMA). He very much enjoyed this time of his working life. He was very committed to making the Santa Fe Railroad the safest railroad in the nation. During his time in this position it moved from 23rd to number one among United States First Class Railroads, a position which they held for many years.
    Mr. Shaver was Chairman of the National Safety Council Railroad Section and Chairman of the Association of American Railroad Safety Section. He was also a member of the Association of Safety Engineers. He worked for 39 years for the Santa Fe Railroad and he frequently said he enjoyed every one of the days he worked. He always gave Rose Ella much of the credit for his success.
    Dick married Rose Ella Christian on December 31, 1947. Rose Ella was not only his best friend and advisor but the love of his life.
    Dick retired on January 1, 1988. He and Rose spent about a month in Australia and New Zealand and then move back to settle in on a farm west of Paola, KS. Together Dick and Rose made many friends in Paola. Rose Ella was very active in the church and together they sponsored the food kitchen for many years. They also got into raising Registered Romagnolo Cattle. This activity brought them great pleasure and brought back memories of their youth growing up on farms during the Great Depression.
    Dick and Rose Ella moved to Hilltop Dr. in Paola, KS in 2000 where they lived until Rose passed away on May 7, 2010 and the later R.D. passed away October 6, 2017 at Healthcare Resort of Leawood, KS.
    The family takes great solace in knowing that they are together again.

    Stand not included with purchase.
    Weighs 7 oz
    Measures roughly 3.5 X 3 X 1 Great Shape

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    ***MemoryLaneVintiques purchased this item from an online auction. We firmly believe in trying to return items to their original owners before listing for interested buyers. Within the last year, MemoryLaneVintiques tried returning this item to the family of RD Shaver. None of our correspondence was returned.