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Sgt. Kyle L. Dean-Texas Ranger- Leather Notebook Binder-Texas, USA


  • Details
    Sgt. Kyle Lynn Dean (born in Ft. Worth, TX) was a Texas Ranger with the Texas Department Of Public Safety from 1992-2008.
    Kyle first joined the DPS in 1982 as a State Trooper and then promoted to the Texas Ranger Division in 1992, and wore the star until he retired in 2008. During his Ranger career he attained the rank of Sergeant and worked in 3 of the 6 companies in the State of Texas. Sergeant Dean served Company B (Denton) Company D (Weslaco) and Company F (Waco). Sgt. Dean while with the DPS was on the Tactical Tracking Team and also had Law Enforcement experience with The Texas Department Of Corrections. Kyle is also the son of infamous Texas Ranger Capt. Jack O'Day Dean!
    DEAN, JACK O'DAY (1937~) Jack O'Day Dean, Texas Ranger Captain and United States Marshall, is one of "only six Rangers [to] have ever been named a United States Marshal: Ben McCulloch, Dick Ware, John Rogers, Bill McDonald, Clint Peoples, and Jack Dean. Only Peoples and Dean have become US Marshals since the formation of the Department of Public Safety in 1935.:
    Texas Highway Patrol 1960-
    Texas Ranger 1970-1993
    U.S. Marshal, District of Texas
    So in case your NOT from The Great State Of Texas let me clarify a Texas Fact! If you join the Texas Department of Public Safety and complete 23-30 weeks of Trooper Training? are already a "Bad Ass"
    in which Kyle Dean did that. Then if you spend 10 years patrolling the highways of Texas?......your a Legend That With A Glare Of His Eye Can Make You Confess Every Devil Possessed Traffic Violation Sin You Committed Since You Passed Drivers Education....."BAD ASS...of the 1st Order!"
    in which Trooper Kyle Dean did. You get promoted to Texas Ranger?....Boom! You NOW have made your family's name in Texas in the category of Bush (just to start) If you are a descent of Kyle's lineage for life and live in Texas you can 99% plus tax off any Chicken Fried Steak Restaurant for Life...Bad Ass! Oh yeah, you also automatically GO TO HEAVEN....Can be a Texas County Sheriff anytime you want...BAD ASS in which the Dean family name is and in which Ranger Dean did. Your star rises to the rank of Sergeant of the Texas the hearts and minds of Texans?....ladies and gentlemen... if he wants every Texas A&M Cadets to sing a little tune.... they would.... PROUDLY SERENADE SERGEANT TEXAS RANGER IF WANTS EVERY CADET AT TEXAS A&M TO AT THE SAME ON FOURTH OF JULY JUST BECAUSE HE JUST GOT NEW BOTTLE OF JACK DANIELS AND WANTS SOME COMPANY AT 9:15PM BECAUSE HE JUST CLOSED ANOTHER CASE AT 9:00PM AND HE STARTS ANOTHER ONE 9:30PM......also NOW the reference of a bad ass is the nickname you give every self proclaimed "bad asses" in all Texas towns. As well Texans will start calling beating up the school bullies "KD-ing"'s legal in Texas for life...and....we now have Texas State Holiday called Kyle Dean Day when he feels like setting which Sgt. Kyle Dean did and he's to modest for that. You spend 16 years as a Texas Ranger and retire with honor?......Shut the front door!.......In the name of everything guacamole!!!......after doing the research for this leather binder....Retired Texas Ranger Sergeant Kyle Lynn Dean has the RESPECT OF THIS TEXAN FOR LIFE! - One Riot, One Ranger Thank You Sarge;)
    **Note Binder Genuine Leather
    Stamps depict the dates of KLD's career milestones, joining the DPS beginning in Crockett as well the day he made Texas Ranger as well as the Company (B) Denton as well the Texas State Seal with Texas Ranger Title.
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