Vintage Knicks & Knacks

1962 Aggravation Board Game Pieces In Ball Mason Jar


  • Details
    These are from the original 1962 Aggravation Board Game. They are the die and marbles to play on the game board. They come in a vintage square Ball Perfect Mason Jar (no cracks) and the original cardboard copyright logo of the Original Aggravation Board Game Box.
    Aggravation is a board game for up to four players and later versions for up to six players, whose object is to be the first player to have all four playing pieces (usually represented by marbles) reach the player's home section of the board. The game's name comes from the action of capturing an opponent's piece by landing on its space, which is known as "aggravating". The name was coined by one of the creators, Louis Elaine, who did not always enjoy defeat.
    The name Aggravation was trademarked by BERL Industries, which filed its application on April 10, 1959. A contemporary patent filed by Howard P. Wilde, Sr. two months earlier, in February 1959, describes a game board "which may be played, with high interest, vexation and aggravation by two, three or four persons" but does not provide specific game play instructions for the cross-shaped track and central space. The 1959 Wilde patent, in turn, cites an earlier patent filed in 1921 by Isidor Paris for a child's racing game, also featuring a cross-shaped track and describing how players move their markers along the track by taking turns rolling a six-sided die. However, the first version of Aggravation, published in 1962, follows the design described by Harry W. First in a patent filed in 1962 and granted in 1965; that patent does not provide specific instructions for game play.

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    Chad & Jennifer Johnston (August 2024)

    Aggravation has been described as "a streamlined version of Parcheesi!"
    Jar weighs 1 lb 3 oz full
    Measures 5.5" Tall and 3" X 3" Square
    Good Condition-Great Conversation Piece